Sadly enough, feral animals are a huge problem in our state. Many people do not want to take the time nor put forth any effort to help them so the numbers just keep growing. One of the biggest problems is, due to inbreeding, these animals are born with more and more health issues which usually makes them very sickly. With that in mind, we want to provide you with helpful information to assist in educating you and possibly your community on ways to make a difference in these animals’ lives.

One of the first things you should do is to spay and/or neuter them. It’s a big job but a vital one because you are their birth control…enough said? You should know that some vet clinics offer reasonable discounts for altering feral animals and you can also try the low cost spay/neuter clinics which specialize in feral spays and neuters because they do so many all year round. You may purchase low cost spay/neuter certificates which might help to keep your costs to a minimum. Please check out our Spay/Neuter section for more information.

These animals are completely dependent on you for many of their needs and they need fresh food and water daily, just like us. Also, they often don’t have adequate shelter. We aren’t asking that you open your home to feral animals but we are asking that you consider the fact that it’s cold, hot, raining, etc. and they often have no way to keep comfortable. You can easily build feral cat houses at a minimal cost to you. This LINK will show you several shelters that you can create with things you might already have around your house.

The siteĀ is a wonderful source for helping you with your feral cat colony and we hope that you will take the time to read the sections that you find most useful. Remember, it’s by no fault of their own that they’re in this situation. It is mankind that chose to ignore, rather than to help those in need and that, ultimately, created this very sad situation.