was created to do just that…Help Alabama’s Pets!  We hope to do this through their owners,  concerned citizens, city officials, etc.  by providing them with all tools necessary to help an animal in need.  We hope that this will assist the animals in our state to have a better chance for a better life.

If you currently own a pet, please take a moment to answer the following questions:

  1. Does your pet have proper shelter?
  2. Does your pet have food and fresh water daily?
  3. Has your pet been spayed or neutered?
  4. Does your pet go to the veterinarian for an annual checkup?
  5. Do you spend time with and love your pet?

If you can answer yes to all of these questions, then you are Helping Alabama Pets and we thank you for making a difference!  If not, then please look at this website and see what we can do to help you help your pet.